KMsecur RANGE:

Convergence of 4 systems families

For small wired link alarm systems, the Vox Boxes can be installed individually or wired to broadcast pre-recorded messages, time-based alerts or public address.
(WireLess Diffusion Sounder)

For medium power alerts, D-Wilds modules can be individually installed or connected by radio link between buildings to broadcast pre-recorded messages, time-based alerts or local address public. (at the level of each module).

The SECURALERT is a modular high power central for large scale installations and can be installed in individual ways or linked together by multiple ways (RS232, IP network, 3G / 4G link, …) to create an installation capable of broadcasting pre-recorded messages, the public addresses on large buildings or areas of population to be protected.
A range of sirens with turbines allowing the diffusion of warning on a zone of important coverage for the big industrial sites or for the zones of population to be protected.